We are here! We've actually been here for 2 weeks now, but since we haven't had Internet until this morning I haven't been able to update here.
We are doing great and love Texas. Who knows maybe we'll stay here forever! (wink) The area, apartments, and people are all super nice. Not to mention there is "Expectant Mother Parking" at the grocery store, which will come in handy later in the summer when it is blazing hot, I've got a 1 year old in tow and I can't see my own feet.
Ty is shining in his role as manager this year. I have heard from every direction, just how much people love him and his co-manager (also named Ty)! They are a great team and are already showing much success in the 3 short weeks the summer has been going. I am so proud of him!
Scotty is doing great too. The first night we were here, he was a little nervous of all the changes and slept with us (nothing we want to repeat anytime soon!) but since then he has been back to his normal happy little self. We have a large balcony that overlooks the golf course that we have turned into a little play area for him. He loves to go out there and wave at all the passing golfers. We bought him a little tiny pool for the balcony that is perfect for those hot days that I don't want to take him over to the big pool. We'll sit outside and eat Popsicles and splash in the water.
Here are a few pictures of him in his pool.
I'm doing great! I am 22 weeks pregnant, and maybe kinda starting to show. No one believe that I am 5 months along... I'm still wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans, but not very comfortably and I think I am in serious need of some summery maternity clothes. My poor feet are already starting to swell, especially the left one. Little Benjamin is a shaker and a mover and you can now feel and see him kicking around from the outside. There are still many days that I forget I am even pregnant. I have been so busy with the move, and the day to day of a 1 year old that I haven't had the time nor energy to sit and daydream about this pregnancy like I did with Scott's. That isn't saying I'm not excited though. Yesterday at church I saw a little newborn sleeping in his daddy's arms and I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach thinking of the new little guy that is soon going to join us.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Home in Texas
Posted by Ty and Meg at 9:53 AM
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You guys sound content. I'm glad!
Can't wait to see you in a couple of days.
I am glad that your move went "smoothly" (moving is always a pain). Cute pics of scotty and hope everything goes well with little Benjamin! Congrats to Ty too for doing so well!
Thank you! Even though we talk on the phone all of the time, I am so glad to read about your life and see pictures. You are a very good writer. You get that from your father. So glad Ty and the office are doing well. It makes it all worth it. Love you all.
YAY!!! You finally updated the blog! I almost cried looking through the pics! I guess I miss you guys more than I thought, huh? I love the picture of Keeley in the pool with Scotty. I'm so glad Ty and the office are doing well. I knew he would. Can't wait to see you and for our Girls in Dallas Extravaganza Trip!!!
HEY! it's been a long time since we chatted! you are pregnant again?! that is so exciting! what are you having? are you just in texas for the summer or for good? fill me in!! hope you are feeling good and wish you all the best! aryn
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