Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Interesting Scott Fact:

Scott has been wearing size 12 month clothes since he was 5 months old. Now he is almost 13 months and still wearing a 12 month (I don't think for much longer). That means he has been wearing the same size for 8 months!

It is funny becuase he went from 0-3 straight to 6-9 and then to 12. He never fit 3-6 or 9-12. That was all in the first 5 months of his life.

Just thought that was interesting.


Kevin and Allison said...

He's just getting too skinny. What could we do to fatten him up again?

Amie said...

LOL, Meg, Driver has done the same thing, its so bizarre to me! He's in alot of 18-24 month size now but I still have a bunch of 12 month he can still wear! So funny!!

Stephen Q. said...

3T is next I guess?