Sunday, November 02, 2008

We had such a great Halloween this year! There is something so magical and fun about experiencing your childs first's. Since this was Scotty's 1st Halloween, and since I am one of "those moms" (as I have been told lately), I documented Scotty's fist Halloween from sun up to sun down... Enjoy!


We made Rice Krispy & Cocoa Krispy treats for the party.

PUMPKIN CARVINGAlways time for some kisses.

Supervising daddy's hard work

What is it going to be?

All done! It is a little pirate.


We then made our way to Grandpa, Grandma & Aunt Amy's to meet up with Brooke, Jack & Aunt Lyndsy to go "Trick-or-Treating".

Hanging out with Grandpa and a cute hippie!

Grandma and her favorit teddy bear.

The TeddyBear, Butterfly and Giraffe actually sitting for a picture (well kinda).

"Trick or Treat!"

His first little Halloween candy stash.


After we were done "Trick or Treating" we went home and transformed our little Teddy Bear into the Jazz Bear. We then made our way to Allison and Kevin's Halloween Party. Allison has been talking about throwing this party since I met her. We had so much fun!! We played games, ate yummy halloweenish food, and laughed a lot!

Jazz Players and the Jazz Bear

Our little Jazz Bear!

The Host and Hostess~ A pirate and his wench.

Aaron & Amy

Scott, Diana & Sage~ Look what those snorklers found, a cute little goldfish!

Mike, Mindy and little Miss Presley

Paul & Staci

Ty & Aaron (behind them is just a glimps of all the food).

Like Father, Like Son- Rockin the D-Will Jersey!

Hanging with Kevin, eating a pirate sword...

Looks like the cat caught the mouse.


Scotty slept in a pack and play in the guest room while we were at the party. Here he is getting in his carseat getting ready to go home.

"What a great day. I think I like Halloween!"

~Thanks for looking~


Sarah said...

Cute Blog, i loved all the pics!! How do you know Scott and Diana?

mindi11 said...

Happy Halloween!

You guys are all so cute :)

Kevin and Allison said...

So glad you guys came! We had so much fun and Scotty was such a cute little bear! I can't wait to watch him tomorrow!

Jenny said...

What a fantastic Halloween!

Bethany said...

I love the Jazz bear costume. What an adorable bear! Happy Halloween..umm, belated!

Kathie said...

Scott James is sooooo darling. I especially love the pumpkin carving images.