Friday, October 31, 2008

Trunk or Treat

Last night was our ward Trunk or Treat. Lyndsy, Brooke and Jack came and trick-or-treated with Scott. It was a lot of fun! Ty and I are on the "commitee", so it was neat to see it all come together.

Our *scary* trunk

"Uncle Geoff, is that you?"

My favorite little kiddos!

Trick or Treat!

Mmmm- CANDY! Since Scott isn't old enough to eat candy yet, we just let him chew on the wrappers. Parenting at its finest!

Teddy Bears and Puppies with their dads. (Doesn't that pug have the saddest little "puppy dog" eyes you have ever seen?)


Last Saturday we went to a party at a cabin in Sundance, we didn't take very many pics, but here is one of our little family outside of the cabin. Thanks again Steve & Melissa for inviting us. We had a lot of fun.


Chellese said...

Thanks for the comment. It's fun to have found your blog. Your committee did a great job on the Trunk or Treat. I couldn't believe the turnout. Yay for Halloween!

Iliana said...

Scott is so so cute and I have never heard him cry either, so I think that makes him extra cute:) Mine are crybabies. LOVE the table too!! I want apholsted chairs so bad.