Monday, November 17, 2008

Today has been a mommy Monday. After a busy week last week, I decided I needed to put the errands and chores of the day on the back burner and spend the day reading Elmo books, playing with toys and crawling around on the floor with my little rugrat. Although to an outsider it would look like I didn't get much accomplished today, I feel more exhausted then I do on the most productive day... and even more fulfilled.

I love being Scotty's momma!


Kevin and Allison said...

So sweet! You are such a GOOD mommy!

Kathie said...

Way to go mom! It is soooo worth it isn't it? mom

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! I had no idea you had a blog, your little boy is sooooo cute!!!

Amie said...

Meg~i found your blog when we shared over on the april board and i love reading your stories and updates on you and your little man. he is SO precious and getting so big!! Hope you dont mind me reading!

~Amie (Driver's mom from the April board)