On Thursday Allison, Mindy, Presley, Scott and I decided to take advantage of the fall weather and go to the zoo. We had a lot of fun! I took 183 pictures to try to make up for the fact that Ty was sad he had miss Scotty's first time at the zoo. Scott didn't seem to care too much about the animals, but he really enoyed being outside all day. He also went on his first carousel ride, which he loved! The adults had a lot of fun too!
Here are some pictures. Sorry there are so many, but when you take as many as I did it is hard to pick which to post. (And if you'd like to check out even more pictures, check out Allison's blog An Elephant Never Forgets )

Arriving at the zoo.

Checking out some monkeys, with my little monkey.

Mindy and Presley infront of the talking elephant.

Scott loves his Aunt Allison

Presley and the zebras

This little penguin fell in love with Allison, I think he wanted her to take him home with her.

With 2 babies there were a few feeding and diaper changing stops a long the way.

Scotty had his very first carousel ride ride, and he loved it. He was squealing and smiling the whole time.

Allison is such a sucker, the gross wild turkeys were begging for food, and she ended up giving them 2 baskets of fries.

What is zoo day without a little dancing?!?!

You can't really tell, but we are wearing matching hoodies... On purpose. Yes, we are still in Jr. High.

Scotty is getting sleepy...

The cute elephants! The one in the back had just eaten a full cantalope, it was pretty cool.

Checking out the rhinos.

The rhinos

Is that Keeley?

This tiger happened to be at the back of his cage as we were walking along the back trail. It was so cool to see him so close.

Sleepy head monkey.

A cute little snack.

Snuggling up for the train ride.

Soooo tired after a long day at the zoo.
Zoo day was the BEST! I'm so glad we went! We need to exchange pics, I love yours.
Awww! How cute!!
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