Monday, October 20, 2008

Busy 24 Hours

In the past 24 hours Scott started crawling, got his 2nd tooth, ate solids for the first time, and was babysat by Grandma & Grandpa while we went to our 2nd movie in 6 months 2 weeks and 2 days. Whew, we are exhausted!

Here are some pictures of Scotty's 1st taste of cereal.

Thanks for looking! I'll post a video of him crawling soon.


Kevin and Allison said...

SOOOOO stinkin cute! What a big boy! I can't believe it!

The Reeds said...

Oh my goodness he is so big now! I can't beleive it. He is doing so much and it really has not been that long since I have seen Scott. I remember the little man all tucked in his carseat.

author said...

Megan! He is absolutely beautiful! I can def. see both of you in him! Crawling is the worse stage!!! You're excited because he is mobile, however the times you would just love to sit no longer exist. So, get on your running shoes and get ready to start chasing! I am so glad that there is the world of blogging. It keeps staying in touch so much easier!!! I am glad we found yours!

The Woffindens said...

So cute!! I feel like its been forever since I've seen you guys, I've only seen Scott through pictures..

Shellie said...

MEG! I havent been able to pop in over here in what feels like 4 months, even thought isnt not been near that long! I had so much fun reading and catching up on you guys - it made me cry! I love reading your blog you guys and your little family just make my soul happy - just wanted to send you some love! Hope you have a wonderful day!! xoxoxoox!!!! !Shellie