Monday, June 16, 2008

Tummy Time

Scott LOVES sleeping on his tummy. So when I try to do "tummy time" with him, I am continuously having to stop him from laying his head down and going to sleep. So, I took Grandma's advice and bought him a mirror he has been enjoying his tummy time more.

Here are a few more pics of him playing with his mirror.


Bethany said...

What a doll. The mirror is such a good idea! I never managed to get my kids to enjoy tummy time, nice job!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe what a chunky little guy he is! Too cute! Madman hated his tummy time, so next time around I'm going to still your mirror idea. What a great idea! I've got to see this little man in person!

Sarah... said...

What a GREAT idea!