Last night we went to a
Royals Game. Ty was so excited to take his boy to his 1st baseball game, and for some reason we thought it would be a good idea to take a 2 1/2 month old to baseball game... Let me tell you now, NOT a great idea. Scott does so well going places with us, that we assumed he'd do just fine. The second we walked into the stadium he started to get fussy, when we sat down in our seats, he started to scream. It was just too much for him with all the people around us and all the loud noise. So we ended up having to stand in a less crowded spot in the back/side of the stadium, where he did much better. We could see the field great and had the perfect view to see the Giants totally take the game. We only made it to the 7th inning before we decided we should take the little guy home to bed. By the time we got to the car he was exhausted, as were we.
The plus side: Last night he slept 7 hours straight, woke up to eat then went back to sleep for another 4.

Yeah for standing in the back! Church, movies, eating out...now baseball games!
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