Thursday, June 19, 2008

Church History Adventures

Since we are out here in Missouri we decided we should take the opportunity to visit a few of the church history sites, that we haven't already seen.

A few weeks ago we went to Far West, Haun's Mill, Pioneer Cemetery, and the Richmond Cemetery.

Far West was my favorite stop. The 4 corner stones are outlined by a fence so you feel as if you are in the building that should be there. It was a very peaceful and calm atmosphere.

Next we made it to Haun's Mill (where the Haun's Mill Massacre took place). We had to take dirt and gravel roads, and once we were sure we'd passed it, we found it. While we were there we read a little history about the people and the real events. Then tried to imagine how such a sad event could even happen.

Then we stopped by the Cemeteries. I love exploring old cemeteries anyway. So to be able to see the graves and headstones of people who have had such a huge impact the church and who I've heard about my whole life was really cool. The Pioneer Cemetery had been neglected for years and then cleaned up by the church. Broken headstones were found in the clean up process, they took all the broken peices and made this-

As we were leaving the Richmond Cemetery we noticed a sign pointing to Bob Ford's grave. Bob Ford was the mad who killed Jesse James.

And of course I have to throw one in of our little trooper.