We just returned from our weekend vacation at the SUN VALLEY RESORT in ID.
It is the Ritter family reunion. My Grandma Ritter, her 2 sons (my dad and uncle) and their families. We were able to stay in the Sun Valley Inn Apartment suite ( 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fullsized kitchen and huge living/family room) thanks to Uncle Bill. Our family had two of them, one for my immediate family and one for my uncle, grandma and cousins. These are the same suites they get every year.
It is really neat beacuse the whole resort is like a little town.
We had a lot of fun.
Ty was able to play a round of GOLF. He did very well and is very proud of himself.
I got an hour Hot Stone Massage... it was so nice!
We rode up the ski lift up to a restaurant on top of the mountain. We forgot our camera so I am wating to get pictures from the people we went up with. Here is the picture from the website that shows just how pretty the view is.

We ate way to much food. We had a nice dinner every night, then that was followed by ice cream from one of the many ice cream places around. There is also a little candy shop around the corner from where we stayed, that we visited a few times too often. They have wonderful fudge, chocolate seafoam and almost any other kind of candy you can think of... YUM!
We had so much fun! It was a much needed break from long summer. It was wonderful to see everyone! And it was great to go on a vacation that was so relaxing!
When we get our pictures on the computer I will post them.
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