Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pregnancy Cravings

I haven't had too many pregnancy cravings since the first trimester ended and even those were more food aversions then they were food cravings. But lately I have been loving fruit! Watermelon, grapes, strawberries but mostly CHERRIES!!

Then my other (and naughty) craving is having a Kit Kat and a Diet Dr Pepper together. I know the last thing the baby needs is caffine and the last thing my butt needs is chocolate, so I try to keep this one down to a minimum.


Kevin and Allison said...

Whatever! Your prego! You can do whatever you want. ;) I'm craving sippable sundaes....

Mom/Wendy said...

I always want to know what you are craving because THEY ARE SO RANDOM! I remember the Jalapeno Peppers. :)

The Reeds said...

At least you are craving some good stuff. I prefer the junk at all times. Not good I know. At least you have pregnancy on your side. :) Congrads on the the new baby by the way.