Sunday, October 05, 2008

Birth Story

Since I haven't shared my birth story here, I thought in lieu of Scotty turning 6 months old today I'd share.

I wrote this a few days after Mr. Scott was born.

Scott James Birth Story~

My birth story starts on Wednesday April 2nd, (the day after my due date). All morning I was feeling contractions after contractions. They started about 10 minutes apart dropped down to 8 minutes apart and were pretty strong. Allison and I had lunch plans at Jason's Deli and since my contx weren't the "3 minutes apart" required at the hospital, I decided to go to lunch. By the time I she picked me up, they were 5 minutes apart, and I was feeling them get stronger. Both Allison and Ty were concerned, but I told them I wasn't going back to the hospital until I was sure that this was it. (I'd been sent home the previous Saturday feeling like the girl who cried "wolf" or should I say the girl who cried "water breaking".) At lunch my contx were 3 min apart on the button, and when it was time for the free ice cream dessert, I once again felt like my water may have been leaking. Since it was a false alarm before I shrugged that part of it off, and called the nurse about the contrax-- when I told her how close they were, she told me "Why don't you head on into the hospital, it sounds like you are going to be a mom by the end of the night!" Allison took me home, I started to gather my things to go, and the contractions totally and completely stopped. So we were sure it had been a false alarm, and decided to not go to the hospital until they contx started again. They didn't.

The following Friday (April 4th) I had a doctor appointment and as he was about to check me, I told him that since Wednesday I had a lot of fluid flow, but NO contractions. He told me he was probably my mucous plug and/or urine and if my water had broken typically contractions would have started within 24 hours. So he starts to check me and immediately stops, my water IS broken and probably has been for 48 hours. He tells us we need to go directly to the hospital-- NO STOPS!

Adrenalin kicked in and we hightailed it to the hospital. (Around 3:00 pm) I got there and they hooked me up to the IV and heart rate monitors. Then they started the pictocin since I was not contracting on my own, and we need to get the baby out as soon as possible due to the fact, they don't know how long my water has been broken. Ty ran home to get our things, take Keeley to the Davis's, and to put the car seat in his car. While he is gone they checked me again-- 80 % effaced, 2ish cm dilated, and YEP my bag is broken and the nurse can feel the baby's head. After the nurse left I started to cry~ I felt HORRIBLE that my baby had been "unprotected" for so long. I'd had a weird feeling Wednesday, but ignored it because I didn't want to feel dumb going in back to the hospital if it was another false alarm. At that point my mom showed up and I started crying even harder (why is it that moms bring out that little kid "cry like a baby" emotion?!) She hugged me and helped me feel a bit better.

By the time Ty got back, I was starting to have small contractions from the pictocin, and the doc was just getting there to put the internal monitors in to make sure Scotty was doing okay. I was so relieved to see that he was doing good and there was still a good amount of clear fluid surrounding him. (WHEW!!)

Around 6:00 pm my contractions were a little bit stronger (still not too bad) but they offered the Epi, and I gladly took it. I dilated slow and steady. While we waited my parents hung out with us and Ty nervously ate too many of the hospitals Lorna Doones cookie stash, until he made himself sick. At about 11:00 pm the doc checked me and told me i was 5 cm and said that he wasn't going to check me again for 2 hours, so I could get some sleep and try to relax. I remember laying there trying to sleep, but my heart was racing and my head was spinning with excitement. At 1:00 am they checked me again and I had dilated crookedly due to laying so long on my left side and how his head was positioned, but I was close. So they helped me turn over to my right side. Ty and I had our last minutes of it being just us before Scotty was born. We held hands and whispered encouraging, loving words to one another. Pretty soon I started getting a *weird pressure* but tried to shrug it off. Finally I had Ty go tell the nurse. She checked me, sure enough it was him getting ready to meet us.

The nurse gave me a crash course in pushing and we started practicing while they got everything ready. Then the doctor got there. Ty was on one side, my nurse was on the other and the doctor was front and center, I started pushing. Less then 30 minutes later, at 2:53 AM a teeny little slimy baby came flying out. Ty immediately started crying. It was such a magical moment (I'm glad I decided to keep it just Ty and I for the delivery). His APGAR was an 8! And he had the sweetest cry I'd ever heard.

I really enjoyed my labor and delivery experience. The IV was the worse part, the epi scared me a bit, but didn't hurt too bad. My doc and the nurses were awesome. We were laughing and joking the whole time. Even during the delivery the doctor and Ty had the nurses and I laughing.

SCOTT IS PERFECT! I am so in love with him. It is amazing how deeply you can fall in love with someone! Everything about him gives me butterflies. Ty is so in love with him too!


Kevin and Allison said...

I remember that day... You were so brave to sit through lunch while you were having contractions! The things we do for free ice cream. ;) I can't believe Scotty is already six months! It seems like yesterday that you had him.