Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Much Needed Break

Being a new mommy takes a lot of work!

Yesterday was one of those looong, hard days. Scott wanted my attention all day. He had tummy ache and didn't nap well. Ty had left to work a little earlier then usual and wasn't expected to come home until late, and it was TOO HOT and sunny to take Scott out on a walk comfortably. So I spent the whole day rocking, singing, playing, patting, feeding, changing, and holding my little chunkers. He was giving me the biggest smiles, which made it much easier. By the time I finally got Scott to bed and Ty got home from work, I was exhausted!

So this morning Ty told me to go do something for myself... ALL BY MYSELF!

I started my morning by getting a piece blueberry coffee cake from Starbucks. Where I sat in the cool quiet lobby, listening to the mellow music and watching people come in and out, ordering their crazy long named drinks. Then I went to a Day Spa where I got a pedicure with all of the extras... it was heaven. I read a magazine, sat in a massage chair and enjoyed all the girl talk going on around me. As my pedicure came to a finish the tech asked if I'd like a manicure, I started to say no and then changed my mind. Why not? My nails sure could use some TLC. So I got a manicure too.

By the time I was driving home I already missed my boys. When I came in Ty and Scott were sitting on the couch and Ty was reading to him. Scott was clean, fed and dressed for the day. Ty on the other hand was still in his PJ's, unshowered and his hair was a mess. But they were both all smiles. It was a much needed break, and so nice to come home to husband who does such a good job taking car of our baby.

Thanks Babe! I love and appreciate you so much.

I also have to add that the Nail Tech who did my nails did a GREAT JOB! You'd think they were acrylics with how even and clean they look, but they aren't. Those are my natural nails.


Sarah... said...

That sounds heavenly! What a sweet hubby you have! And your nails look AMAZING! You totally deserved every min. of it! Being a mommy can be a lot of work.

Kevin and Allison said...

Good for you and good for Ty for recognizing that you need a break now and then from YOUR full time job!

P.S. I wish I did manicures that good. Mine always sucked.