Okay- I have to brag about my husband! (He ROCKS!!)

I wanted the Cardy Uggs for Christmas this year, and was sure after reading this statement put out by an UGG dealer that I would not be getting them.
We've been inundated today with calls and emails saying that UGG have sold out of The Classic Cardy Boot. Having checked with our contact at Ugg Australia we can confirm that this is true and that the next delivery is expected in late January. Ugg have been taken by surprise by the demand for this boot and have sold out their entire supply in under 2 weeks.
But Christmas morning I woke up and opened a brand new pair of Grey Cardy Uggs! He ordered the shoes right in time, within 24 hours of buying them they were sold out. Then today I was looking around the UGG website and saw that my size and color of shoe are on backorder until Sept 2008!

WTG Ty!! Lucky girl!
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