On TUESDAY Nov 20th we found out that we are having a LITTLE BOY! We are so excited, and totally shocked. We both thought it was a girl after our last ultrasound. The doctor that did our U/S said that everything looked healthy and perfect (THANK GOODNESS!) and then at the end he asked "Are you ready to see what it is?" We both nodded. Then he said "I already know, but I'll show you... Do you see that?" and there it was. Little boy parts. We both stared in shock!!
We are both thrilled! I was secretly hoping for a little boy. I can't help but smile everytime I feel HIM move now, because I know it is my little baby boy kicking me in there. We also got some great U/S shots, his little profile is absolutly perfect in every way. We even caught him yawning while doing the U/S, and the doc was able to get a picture of it. (So sweet!)
Here are pictures of pictures-- Enjoy!
Soles of his little feet
OMGosh, thats SOOOO AWESOME!!! CONGRATS!!!! yeaaaaaaaa!!! Oh I'm so happy for you, as a mommy of 2 sweet little boys, oh it just makes me so excited for you!!! I love my boys so much!!! YEA for you guys!!! Congrats my dear on your exciting news!!!!
Boys are the best! Maddox (we call him our MadMan!) has been nothing but a DREAM! Congrats you two! Any ideas for names yet?
I knew it from the moment you told me you were pregnant. Im so excited for you! Kean is sooo much fun. (Kamber is too) I cant wait to see what he looks like! Love you guys. Jaimie
I'm so incredibly happy for you!
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