Today is the 20 week mark in this pregnancy-- which is considered "half way". I am finally starting to show a little. Some people (like my mom) think I look pregnant and the others (like the girls I work with) think I still look like I may have just had a few to many Krispy Kremes. But either way my tummy is starting to poke out. And there is definate movement coming from inside. Ty is still over the moon and can't help but tell anyone and everyone that he is going to be a dad. Next week is our Level II ultrasound, so we should know whether we are having a peppermint patty or a junior mint by Thanksgiving! I can't wait-- I am dying to go shopping!
Here are a few pics and a little explanation of the development at 20 weeks~
Fetal development in pregnancy week 20:
This week you're carrying about 10.5 inches (including leg length, crown-to-rump length is 5.6 to 6.4 inches) and 9-10.5 ounces of solid baby-miracle-goodness! Their little delicates bones continue to ossify and toughen while their itsy bitsy finger and toe pads are finishing up. Your little monkey now has teeth buds, although they’re hidden beneath the gum line. And finally! Their limbs have reached their relative proportions—no more alien baby! Their cute pink lips are more defined, and might be helping out in a bit of prenatal thumb-sucking. What’s more, eyelashes and eyebrows are also visible. At this point, your little one really looks like a miniature baby—and we do mean miniature as your little swimmer currently weighs a mere eighth of their final birth weight. With half the pregnancy behind you, the most significant gains are yet to come!

Before: Pre Preg ------ Now: 20 weeks
I'd also like to send out hugs and thanks to everyone that has gone out of their way for me since finding out. The little gifts, calls, cards and well wishes have meant so much to me! I love you all!!
*And a special thanks to Ty! You have been such a wonderful husband these past 5 1/2 years. No one thought you could spoil me more then you already did, but you have proved everyone wrong! Thanks for be so great. I love you!*
We are so excited for you! I couldn't STAND that "Kinda showing" stage. I wanted a big 'ol prego belly! You guys are going to be the best parents! We love you!
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