Saturday, April 21, 2007

It has been one of those days!

I had to wake up super early for an appointment that was late and rude!
I got a weird letter on my door from a stalker with the word blood in his name.
I can't eat much because I have a bad canker sore.
The pedicure station where I was working overflowed ALL over the floor.
My shoes didn't fit right and so I could barely walk straight.
The mexican restaurant totally messed up my lunch order.
I can't seem to remember where I left my COACH sunglasses (shhh, don't tell Ty).
And I have't seen Ty for more then 7 1/2 hours since last Tuesday (and 6 1/2 of those hours we were sleeping).

...BUT even though it is "one of those days" I didn't let myself get down, and I have been able to laugh about it all.

(A special thanks to Geoff and Amy for going to Chili's with me, it made my day!!)