Yesterday I was saddened to hear that my dear friend (and instructor at Mandalyn Academy ) Raelyn, lost her sister-in-law, brother-in-law, and little 14 month old niece in a tragic car accident.
When you go to school in a setting with a handful of girls, and have 40+ hours a week to fill, you get to know everyone really well, really fast. Raelyn and I became good friends while waxing each others legs, doing facials and just sitting in class. She was engaged to her longtime (since Jr. High) boyfriend, and she was planning a beautiful wedding. Along with the wedding plans and details, came stories of in-laws, and future families. Raelyn told me many stories of this little family, and they always reminded me of Steve, Lyndsy and Brooke.
I am heart broken for Raelyn, her husband Jared and the rest of the family members who are grieving over this horrible loss.
Again, I am reminded that everyday is a blessing, and you never know when it'll be the last time... Please keep this family in your prayers.
I am adding part of the obituary and a few links to the accident-
The Daily Herald
Salt Lake Tribune
kutv News
Full Obituary

Bridger, Janalee, and KennaDee Anderson were called home on Monday, July 24, 2006 after a tragic automobile accident in Daniels Canyon while returning from a fun family gathering. Bridger was born March 3, 1983 in Provo to Gaylon and Janeen Sorensen Anderson. Janalee was born January 17, 1983 in American Fork to Kraig and Sandra Turner Robinson. KennaDee was born May 9, 2005 in American Fork to her loving parents. The family was expecting the second joy of their life in the spring.Janalee and Bridger grew up in Pleasant Grove and graduated from Pleasant Grove High School in 2001. They became sweethearts in junior high school and after graduation attended Snow College together. Janalee eagerly awaited Bridger's return from his mission to Brazil (Belo Horizonte East) and were later married on June 3, 2004 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple.Bridger played football and baseball for Pleasant Grove High and continued playing football at Snow College. He was an avid skier and outdoorsman and enjoyed running rivers with his father, brothers, and sister. His most important passion in life was for family. Bridger was a friend to everyone and his smile and personality will be greatly missed.Janalee was active in high school on the Spirit Team and played softball. She graduated Cum Laude from UVSC in Elementary Education and was recently hired to teach pre-school at Lehi Legacy Center to create the opportunity to spend more time with KennaDee. Janalee was a goal oriented individual whose greatest accomplishment was being eternally married and a loving wife and mother. She had many talents. Every gift given was heartfelt and most times handmade. She enjoyed crafting with her best friend, her mother "first my mother, always my friend".KennaDee was their Angel sent from Heaven. Jana's journal read, " KennaDee, when I look in your big blue eyes, I see Heaven." She was a Daddy's Girl and her favorite place to be was in his arms with Duckie.
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